Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cold drinks in Croatia

So we're here on the Adriatic Sea with Sony and an assortment of press peeps to check out the latest builds of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Ratchet & Clank Futures: Tools of Destruction.
Let me just tell you, I had no idea what Croatia was like but it is beautiful, the water is crystal clear and hotel is lamming (for a new, not-yet-opened hotel that we're the only guests in, boy are we making breaking them in).

Anyways, I'll have impressions of Uncharted tomorrow, I'm told we're going on a scavenger hunt. For now, here's some shots of the city and us roaming from bar to bar, that is until we found "Cold Drinks", a bar hanging on the side of a cliff. So epic.
Below is (pic 1, L to R) Jen Clarke from SCEA, TJ Shanks from Game Trailers, a local cat (the church we were sitting in front of was a haven for cats) Sheila Bryson SCEA, Howard Brown from PopCultureShock, Alyssa Cassella SCEA
(pic 2) The view from Cold Drinks
(pic 3) The Cold Drinks cat
(pic 4) The Cold Drinks sunset

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